Wednesday, April 11, 2012

   Hi, glad to be back again.  My first news is that Pearls Knitting Parlor is now open in their new location.  I 
   am happy to report that  I will be starting my classes of Beginning Knitting and Beginning Crcheting on
   Tuesday, April 17,  Please call the shop for detals - (818) 707 1275.  More advanced classes will be
   added as we go along.  would love to have the opportunity to introduce you to these two wonderful crafts.
    For you knitters who are not beginners but may need help with a complicated stitch or pattern  or need a
    pattern modified or even  designed just for you, I will be holding a workshop every Thursday afternoon 
    from 1 to 4pm.  no appt ncessary.   Drop in and visit us.

    I recently enjoyed a surprising experiece i would love to share with you. During my knitting years in
    San Francisco, in addition to the shop, I  designed patterns and manufactured knitting bags called Texas
    Coin Bags, both of which  we shipped to yarn shops all over the country.  The last shipment of bags
     was in the early 1982s.  So image my surprise earlier this year when I received in e-mail from Centralia,   
     Wa telling me that the sennder  had bought  at a local thrift store, a Jani Bag in perfect condition, including
      the original tags.  Her e-msail told me how much she was enjoying it.  I was thrilled'

       Hope you'l be able to pop in the ne shop and get acquainted  and check out what's new.

Knits by Jani. Design by Pocket